木曜日, 3月 20, 2025
ホーム経営情報徳川将軍も採用した豊臣秀吉の太閤検地、デジタルツインワンルームのSTDトークン、米国NASDAQ上場ロードショー中の企業GATES GROUP社と連携

徳川将軍も採用した豊臣秀吉の太閤検地、デジタルツインワンルームのSTDトークン、米国NASDAQ上場ロードショー中の企業GATES GROUP社と連携

GATES GROUP, Inc. Launches Digital Twin One-Room Token “STD Token” in Partnership with ZWEISPACE JAPAN Co., Ltd.


株式会社ZWEISPACE JAPAN(以下 ツバイスペース)は、米国証券取引委員会(SEC)に承認され、NASDAQ上場予定としてロードショー中のワンルーム業界のリーディングカンパニーであるGATES GROUP社(以下GATES)と連携し、デジタルツインワンルームの「STDトークン」1000億円分のソーシングの目途を立てた。

GATESは、東京都新宿区に本社を構え、Financial TimesのHigh Growth Companiesに選出された超急成長中の企業だ。今年、米国証券取引委員会(SEC)に承認され、NASDAQ上場予定としてロードショーを展開中である。2012年創業で、右肩上がりの成長を続け2022年には年商150億円まで事業を拡大。「High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific(アジア太平洋地域における急成長企業ランキング)」に2年連続でランクインし、創立10年でアジアの急成長企業の100万社の中からトップ500社に選ばれ、世界でも注目されている。今年、米国NASDAQ上場予定として、活動の場を世界へ広げるべく、現在ロードショーを展開中だ。









1ビットコインでワンルームを1ヶ月借りられたサービス開始の9年後、ビットコインの価格は300倍に。 今、1STDでワンルームを1日借りられる新サービスが始まる。



◇ GATES GROUP株式会社について

GATES GROUPは、1970年代から2023年まで過去50年間分の不動産登記簿を独自にデータベース化し、仕入れから販売までワンストップで提供できる企業です。オープンマーケットで流通しない、プロマーケットにて年間3,000件の物件を流通させ、2012年の創業から右肩上がりの成長を続け、2022年には年商150億円を記録し、創立10年でFinancial Timesの「アジア太平洋地域における急成長企業ランキング2023」のトップ500社に選ばれました。中古市場の民主化や1万円から始められる不動産クラウドファンディングなど、画期的なサービスを提供し続け、不動産業界の固定観念にとらわれない事業を展開し、革新的なテクノロジーと独自のビジネスモデルをもとに現在も事業の幅を広げております。

URL   :https://ir.gatestokyo.co.jp/

本社   :東京都新宿区西新宿8-17-1 住友不動産新宿グランドタワー34階



URL   :https://zweispace.co.jp/

本社   :https://hayabusa.zweispace.com/ (メタバース環境)

GATES GROUP, Inc. (“GATES” or the “Company”), a Japanese one-stop real estate solutions company, announced a partnership with ZWEISPACE JAPAN Co., Ltd. (“Zweispace”), a Japanese blockchain-based real estate solutions company, to launch STD Tokens, a real estate blockchain-based digital twin one-room token.

Yuji Sekino, Founder and CEO of GATES, commented: “One-room apartments are a unique investment asset favored by young urban residents in Japan’s real estate market. As the most common housing layout in Japan, they offer transparent pricing, low volatility, and a high level of standardization, making them easy to liquidate and manage. While not classified as financial instruments, they operate under well-established regulations, ensuring strong asset reliability. Through this partnership with Zweispace, we will leverage real estate blockchain technology to address issues such as fraudulent land ownership claims and to streamline complex property rights and domestic regulations – challenges that often hinder foreign investors. With over a decade of experience, patents held in multiple countries, and a robust portfolio of applications, Zweispace brings significant value to this partnership. As we look ahead to expansion following our Nasdaq listing, we believe this partnership will serve as a solid foundation for future growth.”

Powered by real estate blockchain technology, the Digital Twin Token (STD Token) seamlessly connects real estate markets worldwide, enabling instant global transfer, storage, and utilization of value. The STD Tokens are based on the daily rental rate of a one-room apartment, allowing users to rent a one-room apartment for a day. STD Tokens will be structured into 20-billion-yen trust units (either in New York or Tokyo), ensuring rights protection and creating a globally enforceable legal framework. The company plans to collaborate with legal experts and governmental agencies worldwide to establish a digital legal governance framework. Zweispace will distribute ZWC Tokens when facilitating transactions through GATES. Additionally, NMZ Tokens will be issued for earthquake-resistant properties equipped with seismic sensors.

Hayato Kameta, Founder and  CEO of Zweispace, commented: “Over the past year, I have discussed with numerous founders and executives in the one-room apartment industry. I strongly resonate with GATES’ strategic vision, as it aligns with the evolution of the internet and promotes greater transparency within the industry. Their decision to list on the Nasdaq reinforces their commitment to this vision. After nearly a year of searching, we are pleased to have found a true leader in the one-room market to collaborate with. This partnership secures a 100-billion-yen market and paves the way for expansion toward a 1 trillion-yen scale. By introducing Japan’s one-room market to the global stage, we aim to uphold the trust of investors who have supported asset formation in this industry for over half a century.”


GATES GROUP, Inc. is a Japanese real estate company providing various services under two domains, GATES AUCTION and GATES FUNDING. GATES AUCTION is a one-stop service that includes in-house procurement, sales, management, consulting, brokerage, and leasing services for condominiums and solar power facilities. GATES FUNDING is a real estate crowdfunding platform, allowing individuals to invest in and obtain fractional ownership of real estate properties from as little as $62. The Company was incorporated in Japan, and since has expanded into the United States through their wholly owned subsidiary, GATES USA Inc.

URL: https://ir.gatestokyo.co.jp/
Headquarters: Sumitomo Fudosan Shinjuku Grand Tower, 34F, 8-17-1, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo


In 2015, Zweispace pioneered blockchain-based real estate solutions by launching a campaign in which approximately 700 one-room (studio) apartments in Tokyo were available for rent at 1 Bitcoin per month per unit (1 BTC was valued at approximately 40,000 yen or 400 USD at the time).

Established in Tokyo in 2016, Zweispace Japan conducts real estate investment seminars, marketing, and development/operation of real estate tech applications. By 2022, the company had secured real estate blockchain patents in Japan, the U.S., South Korea, and China. Additionally, Zweispace has initiated commercial real estate management operations in the metaverse.

URL: https://zweispace.co.jp/
Headquarters (Metaverse Environment): https://hayabusa.zweispace.com/




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